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We ask that all researchers who use the KAMOS data send us a copy of any papers published using the KAMOS data and the publication information for inclusion on our list of publications. KAMOS should be acknowledged in any paper that uses the KAMOS data.

Papers on KAMOS/Survey Methodology

Cho, Sung Kyum, Jang, Deok-Hyun, LoCascio, Sarah Prusoff. (2016). Is simple random sampling better than quota sampling? An analysis based on the sampling methods of three surveys in South Korea. Asian Journal for Public Opinion Research 3(4), 156-175. Doi: 10.15206/ajpor.2016.3.4.156

Cho, Sung Kyum, Sarah Prusoff LoCascio, Kay-O Lee, Deok-Hyun Jang, and Jong Min Lee. (2017). Testing the Representativeness of a Multimode Survey in South Korea: Results from KAMOS. Asian Journal for Public Opinion Research 4(2), 73-87. DOI

Papers Using KAMOS data

The Effect of Attitudes Toward Breastfeeding in Public on Breastfeeding Rates and Duration: Results from South Korea

토탈 다운로드 : 245


Selected Presentations

Cho, Sung Kyum. An Omnibus Survey in South Korea: KAMOS. 2016 ANPOR Annual Conference. Siem Reap, Cambodia. 2016.